
Bless Us Every One by Gina A. Rogers
Bless Us Every One by Gina A. Rogers

Bless Us Every One by Gina A. Rogers

Helped build more than 100 churches, pastors’ homes and Sunday School buildings in the communities surrounding our home – all through relationships with local pastors who were in deep need of resources.Helped bring healing, moral direction and wisdom to more than 5000 abandoned children and then release them back into Guatemalan communities as living stories of God’s restorative power.Through His grace and His mercy, Casa has: Now looking back over the three decades of ministry at Casa Aleluya, we reflect in wonder at what God has accomplished through the small seeds we’ve planted. In 1989, God called Dottie and me to leave our pastoral role in South Louisiana and move our family to Guatemala to serve abandoned, abused and neglected children, many of whom found themselves on the “street” at very young ages.

Bless Us Every One by Gina A. Rogers